by Josh Bowmar | Apr 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
Josh Bowmar explains and demonstrates how to train your traps without doing shrugs. Shrugs are NOT the most effective way to build your traps. Josh Bowmar shares his best trap training tip, so if you want to build those traps, listen up! Let’s start with the fact that...
by Josh Bowmar | Apr 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
Josh Bowmar goes through three single leg movements that he does to challenge his leg muscles! He had to work his way up to being able to do these exercises. Josh Bowmar couldn’t do them the first time he tried, but after staying consistent and training these...
by Josh Bowmar | Apr 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
Josh Bowmar shares his full bicep workout with just a cable machine. For each workout, the cable machine will need to be fixed at the bottom with two handles attached to it. Read below to get the full description of each workout: Exercise #1-Pull Aparts: First, Face...
by Josh Bowmar | Apr 16, 2021 | Fitness
Josh Bowmar recommends breaking down your chest workout into 3 different components, since you have three different directions of muscle fibers in your chest, even though there are only two parts: pectoralis major and minor. Josh Bowmar breaks his chest workout into...
by Josh Bowmar | Apr 9, 2021 | Fitness
Josh Bowmar takes you through a great leg circuit to try on your next leg day. You will feel the burn through the whole workout! For all of these exercises, you will need a bench and a heavy dumb bell that is comfortable to you. To watch Josh Bowmar demonstrate each...
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