by Josh Bowmar | Apr 16, 2021 | Fitness
Josh Bowmar recommends breaking down your chest workout into 3 different components, since you have three different directions of muscle fibers in your chest, even though there are only two parts: pectoralis major and minor. Josh Bowmar breaks his chest workout into...
by Josh Bowmar | Apr 9, 2021 | Fitness
Josh Bowmar takes you through a great leg circuit to try on your next leg day. You will feel the burn through the whole workout! For all of these exercises, you will need a bench and a heavy dumb bell that is comfortable to you. To watch Josh Bowmar demonstrate each...
by Josh Bowmar | Apr 9, 2021 | Fitness
Josh Bowmar dives into a few form tips for a couple simple rear delt exercises. Read below to try out his tips the next time you are in the gym! #1-Face pulls: This one hits your rear delts. It starts out with the cable machine fixed at the top with the rope...
by Josh Bowmar | Apr 2, 2021 | Fitness
Josh Bowmar shares how he trains his core. Try his full exercise the next time you’re in the gym. Josh spends one day a week working out his core for 45-50 mins. There are 5 core workouts and each one is a weighted exercise. You can adjust the weight to make it more...
by Josh Bowmar | Apr 2, 2021 | Fitness
Josh Bowmar is excited to share his step by step progressions to be able to do a Front Lever. A front lever is when you’re holding on to a pull up bar or still rings. In this case you’ll use the pull up bar with a static hold until your entire body is in a...
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