Josh Bowmar is excited to share his step by step progressions to be able to do a Front Lever. A front lever is when you’re holding on to a pull up bar or still rings. In this case you’ll use the pull up bar with a static hold until your entire body is in a horizontal position. The front of your body is facing upward. Josh Bowmar will go through 4 steps/exercises that will help you learn how to do the front lever. This movement is mainly core focused and all the exercises need to be slow and controlled.
Step #1 – Hanging Pelvis Rotations:
This one is meant to activate your core muscles. Start out by hanging from the pull up bar and get your pelvis to your sternum.There is no need to bring your knees all the way up, you are just activating the muscles! This exercise can help get those core muscles moving. Once you feel comfortable with them, you can move onto the next step.
Step #2 – Hanging Knee Raises:
Start this exercise by hanging from the pull up bar as well. You will be bringing your knees all the way up by bringing them straight up to your sternum. This workout is a great way to strengthen your core muscles. Keep this movement slow and controlled, especially when bringing your knees down. When you have that exercise down and feel comfortable enough, move onto the next step!
Step #3 – L Sits:
With this exercise you will be doing the same movement as step two but your knees are not bent, they are straight out. You will raise your legs in front of you until you are perpendicular to your torso. When you hit the movement at the top, hold for a second then bring your legs down, slow and controlled. When this movement is perfected,move onto the next exercise.
Step #4 – Modified Front Lever:
For this exercise, you will try to get your body completely horizontal. If you are still struggling with trying to get completely horizontal, you can modify by having one knee bent and the other leg straight out.
When you master each step you will eventually be able to do a full front lever!
To see Josh Bowmar demonstrate each step CLICK HERE:
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